23 sept 2012

BBC Learning English

This is an excellent webpage that we are going to use a lot this year.

We are starting with a section called Express English .
In this section they ask you a different question every week and you can send your answer.
For example,

What do you dream about?
When do you feel free?
What's your personality?

There is an archive with hundreds of questions and answers.
Choose your favourite question, watch the video ans read the answers.
Write a brief summary with the most interesting answers and send it to the blog.

16 comentarios:

  1. The question we choose is "Three wishes"

    Mostly of the people wish the peace in all the world, the happiness and healthy for him or her and all his family and friends. Someone people also wish than all the children be happy, be rich and had work. A little part of the wishes are personal like: "I wish i could buy a BMW X6".

    By: Maria Belén Aguilar
    Amara Sánchez Toledo

    1. The question we choose is "Three wishes''

      Most of the people wish the peace in all the world, the happiness and health for him or her and all his family and friends. Someone people also wish that all the children be happy, be rich and had work. A little part of the wishes are personal like: "I wish i could buy a BMW X6".

      By: Maria Belén Aguilar Amara Sánchez Toledo

  2. Our topic wich we are chosen is "The colour blue"
    Some people think that the colour blue is associated with the sea, the sky, the beach.. with positive, optimist things, peace, freedom...
    But few people associated the colour blue with negative things like disagreement and boring
    In our opinion , we think that the colour blue is our favourite colour because it is associated good and positive things.
    In Britain,the colour blue has a day, the Monday.

    Sara.G and Rocio.M

  3. We have choose the topic of freedom because we think have free time is very important for a person. Some people feel free when they are doing sport, like runing, swimming etc. Other people say that they are free only in their dreams, when they are sleeping. Somebody feel free when he is travelling, in his trips. A teacher say she feel free when hers pupils are in silence. Other person say freedom is when you are doing nothing. A person think that he feel free when he feel love. “Fredom is from love”, he said. Also a person say that he feel free when he and his family are healthy and have job.

    We are Sofía Chico Mateos & María Díaz Rivera ;)

  4. Our Topic is Heroes
    The most part of the comentaries are about the family(parents,uncles,etc)
    And there is a minory that his heroes are famous people(Bill Gates,Bruce Lee,etc)
    by:Isidoro Montero
    and David Palomo

  5. We have choose "Fashion"

    Mostly of the people don't know what is the fashion and say that the people retourning to the retro style like 70's or 80's years and they think that we can find to try a trend. Some people think too that "to be fashion at moment is to dress like tv celebrities" or "fashion is just a kind of cheating that makes you spend your money and time".

    By: Isabel Peña Carrera.
    Sonia Rus Gelo.

  6. By: Irene Osorno and Ana González.
    What's your favourite Fairy Tale?
    Most people love them, they think that aren't only for childrens.There are a lot of stereotypes.
    Some people thinks that the fairy tales come true and believe in them.
    Some Fairy tales favourite for the people are: Jack and the Beanstalk, the Princess and the Pea and The Three Billy Goats Gruff,Pinocchio..
    Also appears Fairy tales of The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen and other fairy tales like Beauty and the Beast,Red Ridding Hood,Little Prince,Aladin,Sleeping Beauty,Thumbelina,1001 Nights..

  7. television:

    the most of people in the world dont watch the TV much. they only watch the tv to watch sopera, documentary but specially they watch tv for see news because is important know things of the world. other people watch tv in internet because there arent a lot advertising. we are juan and alvaro

  8. Photographs:

    In this topic the people say that her favourite treasured photograph is when remember something about the childhood when they are with her brothers or sisters, her family in a party, having a dinner or honney moon and holidays after school.
    Sometimes about pets.

    By: Maria Del Mar Ortego and Rosa Gómez.

  9. The question that I choose is : Personality .
    Some people are very open to new ideas. Some people are very conscientious and organisaded and some cry easily while other get upset .
    The video say that in the world the people are very difertent but you just take a personality and not always we have to do good things.
    By: Ángela Fraile García

  10. We choose "the colour blue."
    The people say in this section with what associated that colour.
    The blue transmits them peace and comfort. And the blue colour reminds sites like the sea, the ocean, the sky ...
    we chose this topic because we both like the colour blue and our eyes are blue.
    By: Inma Lopez and Isabel Bulnes

  11. Our topic wich we are chosen is Television.

    In this video we have seen how important it can be for a person a television, tells you what's going on around you, entertains you, relaxes, but otherwise not very healthy.

    by:Helena Pérez Gelo
    Judith Rus Gelo

  12. We have choose the theme of Shopping because We like so much this theme, in the comments speak aboput the advantages and disvantages of shopping, they says that the advantages are the high price and there's a lot of people in the shops and is stressly, and the advantages there's that i's a big diversity of shops and clothes

    Sara Muñoz y Julia Ríos

  13. The thing that we have choosen it´s PHOBIAS
    All people in the world have a phobia for something like: snakes, spiders , the dark , fear for heights or including tipical animals pets like: dogs, cats,etc.It´s normal that the people have phbia or fear for something.Phobias can be very bad for the life of a person

    By:Javier Jara and Pablo Sánchez

  14. We choose: Football memories.
    We think that old football was better than the modern football because now is all around the money.Hence the phrase eternal hatred to modern football.

    Manolo Vicedo
    Pepe Bejarano

  15. I chose the topic Honesty.
    In the video, people says that being honest is important because when you're honest, people can rely on you. However sometimes you mustn't be overly honest with the people, because you can hurt their feelings, you must take consideration with everyone.
    In the comments, people says that they don't like people who lies. They think that being honest is one of the most important qualities in a person, but sure it doesn't mean be rude with the rest telling all their faults, you also will be kind.
