24 oct 2011

This is Halloween

Write a list with the animals, vegetables and characters that appear in the song.
Send the list to the blog!

13 comentarios:

  1. Teacher, this is my favourite films ^^
    Some pine, a scarecrow, some ghost, four pumpkins,the monster that lurks everywhere, sharp teeth and bright eyes,the monster that always lurks behind the ladder, four vampires,the mayor of Halloween Town, a cat, three monters, two witches, a tree with skeletons, a clown, Selly than is a monster similar to Frankestein, Oogie Boogie, al lot of bats, six monsters, The mayor one more time, a monster towing a coach, the devil and a monster, but in the coach there is a scarecrow than start a fire and this jump to a water wel, a monster and a mummy overlook the well and and appears Jack the protagonist of the film ^^

  2. Several pine,five pumpkins,several ghost,the monster always lurks and the monster,a cat five vampires, two witches,three monsters,Selly,Oogie, a tree with skeletons,several bats and Jack.

  3. soy isi
    some pine, 5 pumkins, some ghost, cat, 5 vampires, 2 witches, 3 monster,selly, oogie, tree with skeleton, some bats and jack

  4. Several pine,five pumpkins,several ghost,the monster always lurks and the monster,a cat five vampires, two witches,three monsters,Selly,Oogie, a tree with skeletons,several bats and Jack :)

  5. Animals: Snakes and spiders.
    Vegetable: Pumkins.
    Characters: monsters, witches, ghost, skeletons, bats and vampires.

  6. This song says boys and girls , pumpkins scream , neighbors , snakes , spiders , clowns , clowns , skeleton Jack , banshee , king of the pumpkin patch.

  7. In the song appear boys, girls. pumpkins, neighbors, snakes and spiders, the skeleton Jack, King of the pumpkin patch.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. Several pine,five pumpkins,several ghost,the monster always lurks and the monster,a cat(isi),five vampires, two witches,three monsters,Selly,Oogie, a tree with skeletons,jack and several bats.
    I don´t know if it´s rhigt

  10. In this song appear several pine,five pumpkins, ghost, two witches,three monster,Selly,Oogie,a tree with skeletons,Jack, bats and five vampires and snakes.

  11. Appear pumpkins scream,neighbors , snakes , spiders,clowns,clowns,skeleton Jack,banshee.

  12. The animals are snakes, spiders, bats and cat.
    The vegetable is the pumpkin.
    The characters are boys and girls, neighbors, clown, Skeleton Jack and Pumpkin King. Also there are ghosts, witches, werewolf, monsters, vampires and skeletons.

  13. Several pine,five pumpkins,several ghost,the monster always lurks and the monster,a cat ,five vampires, two witches,three monsters,,Oogie, Selly , a tree with skeletons,several bats and Jack :)
